Roman Republic

Contrebia Belaisca (Botorrita, Zaragoza). Avance de resultados de las campañas de 2006 a 2010 y nuevas propuestas

Roman Republic / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Celtiberian History / Roman Archaeology / Celtiberian Archaeology

Las defensas de Cartagena en la Antigüedad: las murallas de la acrópolis en los siglos III y II a.C.

Roman Republic / Hellenistic and Roman Fortifications / Roman military archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Poliorcetics / Second Punic War / Phoenician Punic Fortifications / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / CARTHAGO NOVA / Roman Archaeology / Second Punic War / Phoenician Punic Fortifications / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / CARTHAGO NOVA / Roman Archaeology

Epigrafía anfórica republicana en las comarcas de Lleida. Novedades y estado de la cuestión, in: XII Congressvs Internationalis epigraphiae graecae et latinae

Roman Republic / Roman Epigraphy / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Roman Amphorae / Archaeology of Roman Wine / Hispania romana

Vigilar y castigar: publicanos, contratistas, senadores y otros defraudadores en el mundo romano

Roman Law / Roman Republic / Cicero / Roman provincial administration / Roman Empire / Augustan Principate / Late Roman Republic / Augustan Principate / Late Roman Republic

Vajilla broncínea tardorrepublicana en El Llano de la Horca (Santorcaz, Madrid)

Roman Republic / Roman Bronze Vessels / Roman Bronzes / Vajilla de bronce

La región de Metagonia, la estrategia defensiva de Aníbal en Libia y en Iberia, y los primeros tratados entre Cartago y Roma

Roman History / Phoenicians / Roman Republic / Polybius / Roman provincial administration / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Carthage (Archaeology) / Celtiberian History / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Roman Provincial Archaeology / Carthage (History) / Tartessos / Roman Spain / Cartagena / PHOENICIANS IN THE WEST, TARSHISH-TARTESSOS Ph. D. scholarship in History. Official acknowledgment of educational and research capability by the University of Huelva, Spain / Bastetania / Phoenician trade / The Punic Wars (Hannibal and Hamilcar) / Oretania / Carthage and Numidia / Roman Archaeology / Tito Livio / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Carthage (Archaeology) / Celtiberian History / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Roman Provincial Archaeology / Carthage (History) / Tartessos / Roman Spain / Cartagena / PHOENICIANS IN THE WEST, TARSHISH-TARTESSOS Ph. D. scholarship in History. Official acknowledgment of educational and research capability by the University of Huelva, Spain / Bastetania / Phoenician trade / The Punic Wars (Hannibal and Hamilcar) / Oretania / Carthage and Numidia / Roman Archaeology / Tito Livio

Patronos y clientes en la República Romana y el Principado

Roman Republic / Patronage (History) / Clientelismo

GARCÍA RIAZA, E., \"Derecho de guerra y diplomacia en la época de Augusto\", SHHA 32, 2014, 91 - 122. Número monográfico de Studia Historica Historia Antigua coordinado por M. Salinas de Frías, bajo el título: Augusto y el imperium, ISSN 0213-2052.

Ancient History / Roman History / International Law / Roman Law / Roman Republic / Laws of War / Augustus / Ancient Diplomacy / Ius Gentium / Droit De La Guerre / Laws of War / Augustus / Ancient Diplomacy / Ius Gentium / Droit De La Guerre

García Vivas, G.: Octavia contra Cleopatra. El papel de la mujer en la propaganda política del triunvirato, Liceus, Madrid, 2013

Ancient History / Historiography / Gender and Sexuality / Roman Republic / Late Roman Republic / Cleopatra / Roman Women / Cleopatra / Roman Women

Recuperando Marco Antônio e Cleópatra por meio das moedas

Ancient History / Roman Republic / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Late Roman Republic / Ancient Coins / Ancient Rome / Antony and Cleopatra / Cleopatra VII / Ancient Coins / Ancient Rome / Antony and Cleopatra / Cleopatra VII
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